Our Menu

Lunch & Dinner Menu

Le Tchèp
Super delicious and served super warm.
Comes with fish carrot cabbage okra cassava citron.
Choice of meat chicken or lamb.
Le placali avec grab
Le Placali
Super delicious served super warm.
Comes with crab beef smoke fish.
Choice of sauce Okra  or Kopè. 
Attiéké  228
Attiéké Garba
Super delicious served super warm.
Comes with Tuna fish (Poisson Thon).
Attiéké Poisson
Super delicious served super warm.
Comes with Attieke Fish alloco crudity.
Patte d'arrachide (Mafè)
Super delicious served super warm.
Comes with white rice or brown rice.
Choice of meat beef or lamb.
Sauce feuille
Sauce Feuille
Super delicious served super warm.
Comes with white rice or brown rice.
Choice of meat beef or lamb.
Super delicious served super warm.
Comes with chicken and white rice or brown rice.
Choice of meat beef or lamb (Special order only).
Couscous g5f58a9d0a 1920
Super delicious served super warm.
Comes with meatballs.
Choice of meat chicken or lamb.
Dibi maison au four   aistou cuisine
Dibi Mouton 
Super delicious served super warm.
Comes with alloco or attièkè.
Choice of dish (Special order only).
Salade Complet
Super delicious and served super fresh.
Comes with avocado boiled egg carrot cucumber olives onion tomatoes.
Poisson Braisé
Super delicious and served super warm.
Comes with crudites with mayo.
Choice of attièkè or alloco.
Yoruba egusi soup
Super delicious and served super warm.
Comes with Futu igname.
Choice of meat (Special order only).
Super delicious and served super warm.
Comes with beef and white rice or brown rice.
Choice of meat lamb or chicken (special order only)

Delivery. Take Out.
Catering for All Occasions.

Contact us to place an order.
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